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Town Organization Minutes 11/09/2006
Chichester Town Organization Committee
Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date:   November 09, 2006
Minutes Prepared By:  Bruce Dyke
In Attendance:  Paul Adams, Lou Barker, Lisa Drouse, Bruce Dyke, Norm Larachelle,
                   Allen Mayville & Paul Twomey
Not in Attendance:  N/A
Location:  Selectmen’s Office Conference Room
Minutes Approved:  November 30, 2006

      -    The meeting started at 7:25pm

      -    Draft minutes of the 11/2/06 meeting were reviewed and approved with only one revision being made to the update provided by Paul Twomey regarding his discussion with the Road Agent's Association.

      -        The status of potential, external resources that may be available to the Committee during their research process was reviewed:
-    Local Government Center:  Paul T. is still waiting for Judy Silva to send him a copy of their presentation regarding municipal sharing.
-    Fire Chief’s Association:  Norm still attempting to contact them.  
                -    Office of Energy and Planning:  Lou had a meeting scheduled with this group,
                      but it has been rescheduled to the end of this month.
                       -    Dept of Revenue Admin:  Lisa was able to speak with someone at DRA regarding any knowledge they have of existing municipal sharing agreements.  
-    Municipal Resources:  Paul Adams will try one last time to contact them.
-       Internet Search:  Paul Adams found a fair amount of information regarding NH Municipal agreements on the web and reviewed the top 200 hits he found with the Committee.  
-       Lisa determined that the Secretary of State's Office should have copies of any mutual aid agreements that are in place between NH towns & cities.  She has been trying to contact that office to confirm, but has be unable to get through thus far.

-       Bruce had left a message for the Chairperson of the Northwood Town Organization Committee in order to gain any possible additional insight into their process and final recommendations, but has not received a return call yet.

-       Bruce reviewed a copy of the letter received by the Chichester Selectmen from the Epsom Select Board, indicating their lack of interest in participating in our study.  Their reasons for declining were unclear and Paul T. suggested out Committee request a meeting with the Epsom Select Board to discuss.  Bruce was going to follow-up.

-       Paul A. mentioned that certain mutual aid agreements with respect to Homeland Security issues may be worth investigating.

-       Bruce provided updated copies of the Data Collection templates for Fire, Highway, Police and Library for the Committee's review.  The templates were finalized and all sub-groups were to start contacting the various towns (except for Epsom and those from whom we have still not received a response) and begin collecting data.

-       Bruce suggested the following week's meeting be skipped in lieu of a possible meeting with the Barnstead Select Board.  Bruce was going to try and schedule that session and will advise the Committee members when that meeting is to take place.

-       The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.